At the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST), we are experts in girls’ education, on a mission to bring our unique approach to educating as many girls as possible. We are unwavering in this. We are fiercely determined to fulfil the vision that our four pioneering founders fought for over 150 years ago to make a more equal world for all. A world where girls can have the same educational opportunities as their brothers. A world where girls learn without limits.
Girls first – Everything we do is built around girls and their needs.
We are fearless – And we nurture it in our girls – girls who, in turn, are unafraid to speak out, and to think differently.
We are forward-thinking – Embracing change, to prepare girls for an exciting future, creates a dynamic learning environment. For everyone.
We are family – Our power comes from being a family of schools, which collaborates, supports and shares all our learnings and experiences.
We know that whatever a GDST girl puts her mind to, she can achieve. That’s pretty much a given. Where we come in is in creating the best possible learning environment for her to do this. We put her front and centre of all we do.
Our GDST Difference research, and analysis of the findings, breaks down why GDST schools and all-girl learning environments can offer the best start in life for young women.
A GDST girl will be encouraged to explore new ideas, have new experiences, be stimulated and excited. She’ll challenge the status quo and be inspired to follow her dreams. It’s a place where she will have a voice, can develop freely, and be fully supported – academically, physically and emotionally – to become a confident, happy and fearless young person.
In short, we embrace change in the wider world, and continually question what it is that girls will need to succeed in the future. We are proud to be forward-looking, and open to new and creative teaching approaches. We are not afraid to move with the times and leave old beliefs behind. And because of our size and standing in girls’ education, we attract brilliant people. People who have the achievement and well-being of girls at the heart of everything they do.
This works because our girls-only schools are all part of something bigger. They are part of our GDST family of 25 schools where, true to our founding principles, we practise what we teach.
We constantly challenge our own thinking in what will actively help our girls to thrive, and share best practice across all our schools. This allows us to adapt fast when we have to – as we did with unparalleled guided home learning during the pandemic – and to keep evolving. Whether the focus is environmental, social, physical, emotional or academic, we work progressively with all of our schools to innovate. Innovations that we share across the whole of our family.
We believe completely in what we do, and the success and variety of lives that our alumnae go on to lead bear testimony to our approach. We therefore remain resolutely focused on our mission to reach as many girls as possible.
We see the difference that a GDST education makes, and we are determined to keep the legacy of our founders at the core of all we do. To keep building, to create a more equal world in which all girls can thrive. A world where girls learn without limits, where she can achieve whatever she puts her mind to.
Sustainability is a green thread that runs across everything we do at the GDST.
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