Building Connections: GDST Alumnae Meet in Bristol
On Thursday, 7th November, we hosted a group of alumnae who registered from schools across the GDST network at the Cosy Club in Bristol.
Held in the stunning Peacock Room, this special event brought together alumnae spanning generations to reconnect with old friends, reminisce about their school days, and create new connections with others in the Bristol area, including current University of Bristol students.
Guests enjoyed a selection of drinks and a buffet and conversation was sparked with a thought-provoking question:
How did you benefit from going to a girls’ school?
Here are some examples of the responses we received:
You can be and do whatever you want – gender is irrelevant
Wimbledon High School
I felt inspired during my time at Sheffield Girls’ – surrounded and supported by a group of empowering women. Although I did leave at Sixth Form to go to the Bays School, I believe Sheffield Girls’ gave me the self drive and determination to become the best version of myself.
Sheffield Girls’ School
I always appreciate the sense of limitlessness that my education provided. I really feel we all left believing that we could do anything. When I hear news of my classmates’ successes, I feel like we’re proving this every day!
Portsmouth High School
The main benefit was being in an environment in which the basic assumption was that everything could be, should be, and indeed was done by girls. The idea that there were certain things that boys did, or were better at, really didn’t occur to us. Looking back, I realise how important this was, and that it was absolutely not the general experience of my contemporaries elsewhere.
Brighton Girls
The GDST Alumnae Network
The GDST Alumnae Network is the largest organisation of its kind in the country. There are over 100,000 GDST alumnae from across our family of 25 all-girls schools and the network is increasing every year.