Education Matters

Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day at GDST – advice from leading women in the space industry

Today marks International Women in Engineering Day, honouring the best female minds in engineering and the wider STEM community. At…

Raise Her Up: Equal Parenting

We invited UCL’s Dr Charlotte Faircloth on to Raise Her Up to share her research findings and ideas for helping parents to spread the load more equally.

The Power of a Female-Focussed Network – GDST at the Women of the Future Ambassadors’ Reception

The GDST is delighted to partner with Women of the Future to harness the power of a female-focussed network.

Staying Safe and Secure Online

Online safety video guides from GDST Girls, in partnership with Digital Awareness UK.

“For a lot of our girls the harder the maths the better! They relish an opportunity to delve into problems beyond the standard curriculum and to enrich themselves”

The GDST are proud to run groundbreaking initiatives that break stereotypes and encourage young women into STEM.

What Is Neurodiversity and Why Do We Need It?

As part of Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2022 we looked at what ‘neurodiversity’ means and why we should recognise and value differences in thinking.

Supporting students to study in the US

The GDST launches Explore American Universities Programme, in partnership with GenHERation®.

Will there be a Mexican standoff over grades in August?

What will happen when exam boards challenge a centre’s TAGs, and the centre does not give ground, asks Kevin Stannard

All the world’s a stage… for lessons

At the GDST, education extends beyond the classroom to inspiring UK institutions like the RI and Shakespeare’s Globe.

A family of schools

A family of independent schools and academies across England and Wales