Children’s author Elizabeth Laird launches literature festival at Kensington Prep School
The best-selling children’s author Elizabeth Laird launched Kensington Prep School’s second Festival of Literature on Monday 9th May. She enraptured the girls with stories about her travels and how she came to write some of her most famous books including ‘Kiss the Dust’, ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’ and ‘The Prince Who Walked with Lions’.
Elizabeth Laird is an alumna of Croydon High School and was a contemporary of the famous cellist Jacqueline du Pre who was also a pupil there.
Kensington Prep’s Festival of Literature Week is packed with visiting authors, talks, workshops and competitions to celebrate reading and writing in their many wonderful forms. Other celebrated authors visiting this week include Christopher William Hill, Dave Shelton, Paul Geraghty and the West End in School theatre group will giving a workshop based on Eric Carle’s ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.