From mathematics to medicine – Portsmouth High School students move to the next stage of their educational journey
Despite another extraordinary year surrounding the A Level results, it has been tremendously successful for Portsmouth High School students.
‘After a second year of coping with COVID-19 the students have shown how resilient they are and how a pandemic has not deterred them from pursuing their onward journeys,’ said Headmistress, Mrs Jane Prescott.
“The pupils, aided by the experienced staff, leave Portsmouth High School equipped for the next stage in their journeys and ready for university, the world of work and for life.”
Isobel Seal, 18, was awarded A*A A, and is heading to Nottingham University to read Veterinary Medicine. ‘I have always wanted to be a vet since I was about 4 years old,’ said Isobel. ‘I love animals and I love science so this is a dream come true.’
Phoebe Carlile, 18, a St John Ambulance Cadet and the Lord Lieutenant’s cadet in 2020, was awarded 3 As and an A in her EPQ. Phoebe was offered a place to read medicine at St George’s in London. ‘Being the Lord Lieutenant’s cadet was a great opportunity to represent St John Ambulance and was a fantastic experience to be able to talk about at my interviews for university,’ said Phoebe.
Hannah Woods, 18, was awarded a place at Durham to read mathematics having been awarded 3 A*s. ‘This last year has been a challenge,’ said Hannah. ‘It was very nerve-wracking not really knowing how the exams would work but I am so excited that I have got my place at Durham.’
Mahera Chowdhury, 18, was overjoyed to have her place at Kings College London secured with 2 A*s and an A and an A in her EPQ. ‘I am going to read International Relations but today I am going to enjoy the sun and the seaside,’ she said.
Ruby Dale, 18, with 2 A*s and an A, hopes to join the Royal Navy. Ruby applied for the Olympic British Bobsleigh team this year and got down to the last 22 but unfortunately broke her arm in the final trials. ‘The team have asked me to apply again for the Olympics in 2030 so I might well do that,’ said Ruby.
Head of Sixth Form, Mr Rob Smith, said:
‘A key part of Portsmouth High School’s A Level offer this summer was a programme of pre-university courses and seminars rolled out for all Year 13 pupils. It was devised in a bid to focus the energy pupils would have used for revision, in a proactive bid to prepare them for further education. The initiative brought more than 1,000 students together from across the Girls’ Day School Trust.’
Mrs Prescott, Headmistress of Portsmouth High School added:
‘The pupils, aided by the experienced staff, leave Portsmouth High School equipped for the next stage in their journeys and ready for university, the world of work and for life.’