GDST Schools Rated Top of The Telegraph’s Value-for-Money League Table 2024

Schools across the GDST family have been rated amongst the best value-for-money schools in the UK independent sector by The Telegraph. The latest analysis in Telegraph Money compares results at both *GCSE and A-Level, relative to fees.

Top of the league table in their local markets were Notting Hill & Ealing, Oxford, Putney, Sheffield, South Hampstead and Wimbledon, all securing the highest rating of ‘Very Good’ at both Year 11 and Year 13. Meanwhile, Blackheath, Bromley, Croydon, Sutton, and Nottingham received the highest rating based on GCSE performance, alongside Portsmouth, Norwich, Northwood and Howell’s at A-Level.

Whilst the true value of a GDST all-girls’ education lies in the achievement of each individual student and their readiness to go out into the world with lifelong purpose, confidence and self-assurance, we are thrilled that our commitment to academic excellence whilst keeping fees as affordable as possible for our families, has been recognised.

Cheryl Giovannoni, Chief Executive of the GDST said: “Our schools work tirelessly to provide a unique combination of expertise in how girls learn best, world class innovation and GDST-wide programmes that mark our schools out as forward-looking and inspiring places of educational excellence. We will continue to make these opportunities available to as many girls as possible by providing the great value for money we are so well known for.”

*A-Level and GCSE results refer to those taken in the summer of 2023.