GDST’s Gender Identity Policy
All our trans students are highly valued members of our school communities and we fully embrace their identities.
Our schools have a responsibility to support our trans students, to make sure measures are put in place to enable them to stay at their schools and that they have the space and time they need to make decisions, free of pressure. The underlying aim of our policy is to help staff provide this support. We wrote our policy in collaboration with students, staff and experts because we want to work with our trans students to make the best choices for their long-term wellbeing.
We regret the upset that has been caused. We did not intend to make an ideological stand on this issue, or for our policy to be made public and hijacked by some parties as a vehicle to convey their messages in this sensitive debate.
We are not affiliated with, or influenced by, any outside organisation in developing our policy. Instead, we have tried to steer a course that remains true to the GDST’s single-sex ethos while ensuring a supportive environment for students transitioning or exploring their gender identity.
We recognise that this has provoked a significant reaction and that strong views have been shared, some of which are misleading or inaccurate in respect of our organisation, our ethos and our values. We are taking on board the concerns that have been raised.
We are now listening carefully to members of the GDST community. Ultimately, the views, opinions and beliefs of our students, parents, staff and wider school communities will shape our approach in the long term.