Meet the GDST team at the Independent Schools Show 2021

The Girls Day School Trust (GDST) is delighted to be hosting a stand at the Independent Schools Show this year. The two day event takes place on 13th and 14th November at Battersea Park, London. Each year, ‘the world’s largest school open day’ helps thousands of families to plan the next steps for their children and the GDST team are so excited to talk to you about our family of 25 girls schools across England and Wales.

You will find the GDST team at Stand 319 and we have a number of our Head Teachers attending the event as well. So pop over for a chat and discover how girls learn without limits at the GDST.

There will be a series of talks and workshops across the weekend and several of our Head Teachers have speaking slots. Find out more below.


GDST speakers at the Independent Schools Show


Good Schools Guide Forum | Millan Sachania, Streatham & Clapham High School |12:00pm on Saturday 13th November |“Finding a good school in London” (North and South)

A discussion about London being such a competitive schools market. Millan will speak alongside Grace Moody-Stuart, a Good Schools Guide advisor on school selection.

About Millan…

Dr Millan Sachania has served as Head Master of Streatham & Clapham High School GDST since 2012. A graduate and Bachelor Scholar of Christ’s College, Cambridge, Dr Sachania obtained Double First-Class Honours and subsequently a doctorate in musicology. He was a tutor in musicology at the University of Cambridge from 1993 to 1998, and then took up the appointment of Director of Music at an independent girls’ school in Windsor. In 2003, he was appointed Director of Sixth Form at a co-educational HMC independent school in north London, where later he took up the Deputy Headship. He has also been a Parry Society Lecturer at Eton College.

More about Millan Book your free tickets



London Parents Forum | Kate Reynolds, Royal High School Bath | 12:00pm, Saturday 13th November | “Next steps – deciding between boarding and day” How do you choose? Senior school heads answer parents’ questions.

Kate will be speaking alongside Caroline Townshend from Eaton Square Senior, Bradley Salisbury from Dean Close School and Chris Wheeler from Monkton Combe School.

About Kate…

Mrs Kate Reynolds has been Head of Royal High School Bath GDST since January 2020. Formerly Head at Leweston, Mrs Reynolds was previously Head of International Students and teacher of English and Drama – before that, she taught at Sherborne and Gillingham School. Mrs Reynolds has a commercial background, having briefly practised Law in London and Somerset and brings a breadth of experience to her role as Head of Royal High School, a leading girls’ day and boarding school in Bath. Mrs Reynolds’ philosophy is founded on her expectation of high standards in all aspects of School life including academic, pastoral and extra-curricular to ensure students are encouraged to be their best versions of themselves. She believes that an over-arching value of kindness is critical to ensuring students hone their empathetic skills and treat everyone as they would wish to be treated.

More about Kate Book your free tickets


south hampstead high school gdst

Scholato Theatre | Vicky Bingham, South Hampstead High School | 12:00pm on Sunday 14th November | “Busting the myths of the independent schools admissions process

What independent schools are really looking for and what you should be looking for too!

About Vicky…

South Hampstead High School GDST is one of the UK’s leading schools – a dynamic, forward-thinking London day school that welcomes girls aged 4 to 18. Vicky Bingham has been Head of South Hampstead since January 2017. Before this, she was Academic Deputy Head at Guildford High School, where she began her teaching career as a Classics teacher. She was also Head of Classics at St Catherine’s School, Bramley, for six years. She holds an MA in Classics from Keble College, Oxford, and went to school at the European School in Brussels. During her time as a Classics teacher, she discovered a love of the spoken word, coaching countless students for success in debating competitions and in Latin and Greek declamation, a subject she continues to train novice Classics teachers in at Kings College, London. Having spent her career in girls’ schools, she is passionate about enabling young women to find their voice. Vicky has served the HMC (a professional association of heads of the world’s top independent schools) as the London Division Secretary and now as HMC Additional Vice Chair. She is also a Governor of The Hall School in Hampstead.

More about Vicky Book your free tickets



Good Schools Guide Forum | Matthew Shoults, Notting Hill & Ealing High School |12:00pm on Sunday 14th November |“Finding a good school in London” (North and South)

A discussion about London being such a competitive schools market. Matthew will speak alongside Grace Moody-Stuart, a Good Schools Guide advisor on school selection.

About Matthew…

Matthew Shoults has been Headmaster of Notting Hill & Ealing High School since 2017.  He studied Classics at Worcester College, Oxford, and after graduation he spent two years in the Civil Service before teaching called. He began his career teaching Classics at KCS Wimbledon, also immersing himself in music, sport and other activities. He moved to North London Collegiate to be Head of Classics in 2004, becoming Academic Deputy Head in 2010 and Senior Deputy Head two years later.  He is a keen musician (violinist and singer), mountain walker and runner.

More about Matthew Book your free tickets