GDST News Articles

Reliving the Blitz wins Heritage Lottery Fund support

By GDST Birkenhead High School Academy

Today, Birkenhead High School Academy has received £81,600 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for an exciting project, Reliving the Blitz, Birkenhead…

Snakes and ladders

By Helen Fraser

How can we prepare our students for the ups and downs women experience in the workplace? Helen Fraser’s speech to the GDST Annual Conference 2015

GDST Junior Golf tournament


The GDST junior golf tournament for girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 was held on 22 June at Wimbledon Park golf club.

Confidence… I’ve heard it all before

By Helen Fraser

When it comes to girls (and women) and confidence, so much has been written and surmised, it’s a challenge to…

Much more than academic excellence…

By Helen Fraser

The increase in the number of independent school pupils, highlighted by the latest ISC Annual Census, is a clear indication…

Verve Magazine 2014/15


Download a copy Verve 2014/15 Download verve-magazine-gdst-alumnae-network-2014-15.pdf

Why sport matters in the education of girls

By Helen Fraser

Helen Fraser’s speech to the GDST Annual Conference ‘On your marks… the role of sport in a balanced education’ delivered…

Verve Magazine 2013/14


Download a copy Verve 2013/14 Download verve-magazine-gdst-alumnae-network-2013-14.pdf.pdf

Bake Mary Berry’s unique GDST Lemon Victoria Sandwich

The GDST Bake Off was designed to showcase the baking talents of the students in our schools. For the GDST’s…

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