Shaping futures – GDST Alumnae Mentoring Scheme launches
The 2018 GDST Alumnae Mentoring Scheme launched last week with a get-together of more than 80 participants – both mentors and mentees – in Covent Garden, London.
With the scheme now in its fifth year, and going from strength to strength, we took the opportunity at the launch event to talk to some of our guests about what mentoring does, or could do for them.
A film crew was brought in for the evening, and armed with questions like, “What are your hopes for the future?”, “What is it about mentoring that works for you?” and “What inspires you about your work?” GDST mentors and mentees were invited to give us their thoughts.
These vox-pop style interviews, from scores of guests that evening, is featured in our mentoring film (right).
More alumnae than ever have applied to this year’s scheme, and as soon as the mentoring partnerships have been finalised, the programme will be fully up-and-running through to the end of the year – and maybe for some, we hope, well beyond that.
We have matched nearly 500 alumnae over the past four years through the mentoring scheme and found that it is a great way to help both parties benefit from a mutual relationship – the mentee gains from the knowledge and guidance of someone more experienced, whilst the mentor gains a fresh perspective and a sense of reward.