Sweet smell of success… Portsmouth girls create an original perfume

GDST girls create and market a brand new perfume

GDST girls create and market a brand new perfume
Portsmouth High girls become alchemists for the day; cultivating key life skills

To celebrate the end of mock examinations, Year 11 girls from Portsmouth High spent the day with a group of alchemists and took part in a Dragon’s Den style workshop where they designed, created and marketed a new fragrance.

The day included learning how to make a new perfume from a variety of perfume essences, designing the bottles and labels, marketing the product and finally presenting to a panel of expert judges to pitch their ideas.

The day was organised by coaching team, Eyes Wide Opened, who help people consider and understand that a range of skills, not just academic results, come into play when entering the work force. They brought in a number of alchemists to help the girls through the day.


Jo Dancey, Vice President, Strategy and Finance of Jo Malone, London, the British perfumery, was mentoring the girls.

‘This is a great way to give them the opportunity to look at everyday products and see the raw ingredients that might go into making them and a chance to use team work, creativity and imagination to plan the launch of a new product.’


Julie Batty, Insight Coach from Eyes Wide Opened, added:

‘This is a chance for the girls to create an original fragrance, based on a person or a group of people, who inspires them. The girls are learning essential skills such as team work, collaborative and creative thinking, leadership and business skills. Being able to read and respond to a brief and communicate effectively is an essential life skill. Some really creative concepts have emerged throughout the day.’

‘It has been a really exciting learning experience,’ said Maddie Gadeke, 15. ‘I have enjoyed working with people I don’t usually work with and learned about not only the perfume making but the business and marketing side too.’


The overall winning Year 11 team comprised of: Jemima, Holly, Taylor, Charlotte, Phoebe and Polly who will spend the day at Jo Malone in London to give them an insight into seeing how a fragrance is launched globally and a chance to meet some of the team involved.

‘The girls demonstrated exceptional levels of enthusiasm and creativity,’ said Mr John Paget-Tomlinson, Deputy Head, Academic. ‘Personality and character, ambition and drive, values and beliefs, passions and experience are all essential life skills which they honed today. The girls worked in teams to achieve shared goals and pitch to a panel of professionals. The perfumes they produced were all marketable products.’