Year 5 students from the GDST’s family of schools across England and Wales attend The Royal Institution to explore the ‘science of colour’.
Portsmouth High School pupil wins UK-Space-Agency-prize with her idea to track down lost supermarket trolleys.
Girls in GDST schools have stayed ahead of the curve when it comes to STEM take-up.
Sutton High School for Girls partnered with UK start-up Mous to do an epic 36-kilometer iPhone drop from outside the stratosphere. And to everyone’s amazement, the phone survived!
Portsmouth High School students enjoy exclusive tour of cruise liner.
Watch the film of a spell-binding day at the Royal Institution in London.
New event inspires 250 girls in Norfolk and beyond with breadth of possibilities in STEM.
A Sydenham High student devises the #700STEMChallenge, a writing competition celebrating all things STEM.
Sixth Formers at Oxford High School offer STEM mentoring for local primary school pupils.
A family of independent schools and academies across England and Wales
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