Electives - GDST Trust Consultant teachers

Tuesday, 15 September 2020, 16.45 – 17.10

GDST consultant teachers discuss their relative areas of expertise: maths; pastoral; research SEND; sport.

Talks and speakers below.

GDST consultant teachers discuss their relative areas of expertise: maths; pastoral; research SEND; sport, Electives – GDST Trust Consultant teachers

Alexis Williamson-Jones

Alexis Williamson-Jones Sport and PE Trust Consultant Teacher

The GDST sporting family

Working for a Trust with a network of 25 schools provides a different sporting environment to what you will experience at other schools. Find out what it means to be part of our sporting family, the competitions we run and the opportunities available.

Gray Foster Felton

Trust Consultant Teacher for SENDTrust Consultant Teacher for SEND

Girls and SEND

Exploring how specific learning difficulties and neurological differences affect girls and young women.  How might we need to look differently so that we see and identify them? How might we think differently in order to respond to their particular needs?

Debbie Hill

gdst expertClassroom-based research

How to develop collaborative inquiry in school.



Rebecca Brown

gdst expert


A session exploring ways of finding gaps in pupil understanding, without test fatigue. In particular, following a period of Guided Home Learning, how can diagnostic questions help us to identify and understand pupil learning and address misconceptions. Focussed around Maths but could be applied to other subjects.

Fiona Kempton

Digital Strategy Trust Consultant teacher

This session will cover five tricks and tools where technology can help you connect with your students in the post-lockdown classroom. I will also discuss one aspect of Ed Tech that has evolved because of lockdown, the virtual meeting, and how we could best use our new skills to facilitate better relationships with parents.


Cecile Halliday

gdstUndivided Trust Consultant teacher

How the GDST is working to create a culture of inclusion and diversity, and bring about real change. Cecile is Deputy Head at Sutton Juniors and Trust Consultant teacher for diversity and inclusion.

A family of schools

23 independent schools and two academies in England and Wales

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