What the GDST stands for with Cheryl Giovannoni

Tuesday, 15 September 2020, 15.30 – 15.55

A warm welcome from Cheryl Giovannoni. The GDST’s Chief Executive will take you through her vision, including what the GDST stands for and what changes it wants to make in the world.

Breakout into zoom rooms 15.55 – 16.10.

Cheryl’s bio below.

What does the GDST stand for, Cheryl Giovannoni, GDST CEO



Cheryl Giovannoni, Chief Executive, GDST

Since joining the GDST in 2016, Cheryl has overseen a strategic review and the launch of a new branding and national advertising campaign.

She was born and brought up in South Africa and has a BA in English, Communication and Psychology from the University of South Africa.

During her career at WPP, she ran three of its companies, most recently Ogilvy & Mather, the advertising agency. Before this, Cheryl was European President of Landor Associates, a global brand consulting firm, where she was responsible for managing seven units across the region and worked with clients including P&G, Diageo and Kraft.

Cheryl had previously been CEO of Coley Porter Bell, a consumer design and branding business. She enjoys mentoring and coaching and supports many young women, either informally as their mentor or through programmes run by WACL (Women in Advertising and Communication London).

Follow Cheryl on Twitter @cherylGDST

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