Delight at Northampton High GCSE results
Northampton High School students have achieved fantastic GCSE results again this year with the total number of A* grades at 31%; 57% of students gained 6 or more A*/A grades (or equivalent) and 46% achieved 8 or more A*/A grades.
In the new English GCSE, the number of pupils attaining 9s in both Language and Literature examinations greatly exceeded the national average, with a staggering 12% of English Literature grades at level 9. In Maths, 34% of pupils achieved A* grades at iGCSE, the highest level in four years.
Dr Stringer, Headmistress, commented:
“What a joy it has been to share these superb results with the girls, their families and with staff this morning. When I recall the energy and dedication the girls put into their studies, while also finding time to excel in a huge array of other interests and passions from sports to Spanish poetry, art to Zumba, I am doubly impressed.
This is true of all our girls and I would not usually single anyone out because they are all stars in my eyes. However, perhaps I can be forgiven this time, I hope, for mentioning Ellie Robinson.
We began the year celebrating her Gold and Bronze medals in Rio, and end it celebrating with her a clutch of excellent exam grades.
The girls are all fully ‘match ready’ for a really ambitious and confident start to the Sixth Form now, and that makes me very proud. We look forward to welcoming girls into Year 12 at our Inspiring Futures Induction Conference at Churchill College, Cambridge in September.
I do also want to pay tribute to the staff at the School whose outstanding drive and passion for our work in inspiring and encouraging the girls makes all the difference in the world.”
Congratulations to all of the girls on their outstanding results.