No limits to A Level success at Ipswich High
This year’s A Level results have given pupils and staff at Ipswich High School plenty of reasons to celebrate. Over 38% of A Level grades at the school this year are A*s or A grades and over 20% of Year 13s received at least one A* among their results.
The variety of subjects undertaken by this year’s cohort in both their A Levels and post Sixth Form destinations is impressive. Over 21 subjects were studied by a cohort of 30 student and university destinations include an array from Medicine at St George’s (London) to Music at The Guildhall.
What’s more, the A*s and As were achieved across the academic spectrum reflecting the diversity and expertise of our Sixth Formers.
Over half of students who studied Fine Art, French, Geography, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Spanish and Sport achieved either A* or A grade results.
One student, Jasmine Balmer received two A*s, an A and a B in her A Levels as well as being awarded A grades at AS in Greek and Creative Writing. She is now off to pursue a degree in Classics at Cambridge University.
A Level diversity leads to remarkable individuals
It is the diversity of ambitious individuals the school is celebrating. Its tailored approach to Sixth Form education and our broad offering of both traditional and modern A Level options has allowed our students to develop their passions and individual future paths.
The cohort of 30 students’ studied 21 different A Level subjects, and this tailored education has clearly had an influence on the students’ university subject choice.
Rob Hastings, Director of Sixth Form commented,
“I am so proud of our Sixth Form students this year. The diversity of the A Level subjects studied and the post-A Level subject options has been inspiring. Our girls’ have developed throughout their two years at Sixth Form to be become strong and ambitious individuals who are clear on their future aspirations.
I truly believe the bespoke and tailored Sixth Form education provided at Ipswich High School has fostered this individuality of spirit within our students. Our bespoke education and tailored careers advice has enabled our students’ to follow their passions.
Congratulations to all of them!”
Some of students post-A Level options include:
- Medicine at St George’s, University of London
- Classics at Cambridge University
- Geography at Durham University
- Music at Guildhall School
- Drama at Goldsmiths, University of London
- Modern Foreign Languages at University of Exeter
- Criminology at York St John University
- Biochemsitry at University of Bristol
- Accountancy at University of East Anglia
Oona Carlin, Head at Ipswich High School, said, “We have had some fantastic A Level results, which are a credit to all of our students, our results continue to improve year on year, with 90% of our students achieving A*-C grades.
To add to this academic success I am thrilled that each student has a confirmed place at her chosen university, which is a fantastic outcome.
I wish them all the best and cannot wait to see what they achieve in the future.”