Nottingham Girls’ Year 13 celebrate a brilliant set of results for their first externally-sat exams

Nottingham Girls’ High School (NGHS) is delighted to celebrate its exceptional Year 13 cohort on this very special day. After two unusual years, Year 13 students have achieved true academic excellence with a wonderful set of A-Level results.

33.8% of grades were A*; 63.6% were A* to A; 86.2% were A* to B and 100% of our students passed all of their subjects.

The whole team at NGHS feels a huge sense of pride in the students. The commitment to their A-Level subjects has been wonderful to see, and these impressive results demonstrate their remarkable academic abilities. This year there are many successes to celebrate, including 11 students with 3 A* grades and 31 with at least three grade A* to As, almost half of the cohort.

Enjoying the well-deserved celebrations with students and teachers today, Head Mrs Keller, said:

“I couldn’t be happier today. My teaching staff have been amazing, delivering teaching and learning practices that never fail to impress me, and the students have been absolutely superb throughout their A-Level courses. They really deserve these excellent results and I hope they’re proud of themselves. They didn’t have the opportunity to take part in traditional GCSE examinations two years ago, which makes today’s celebrations even more special and I’ve so enjoyed sharing in their happiness this morning. I can’t wait to see what they go on to achieve, and to celebrating their future successes.”