Portsmouth Juniors send out positive vibes
Portsmouth High Junior School has been embracing the idea of encouraging positivity in its pupils with a special week dedicated to all things positive and hopeful.
‘We believe that in fostering positive emotional and mental health in our pupils they will be equipped to reach their academic goals and life aspiration,’ said Headmaster of the Junior School, Mr Paul Marshallsay.
There was a plethora of opportunities for the girls across the school including friendship biscuits made and delivered to the local community by pre-school pupils, kindness bookmarks, outdoor learning, upbeat singing, yoga, exercise classes, art and environment workshops and guest speakers. Local businesses came to school to support the project including SweatSouthsea and Sonia Shamalzadih a Portsmouth born artist and patron of Marine Conservation Research.
‘Value is placed on acts of kindness, mindfulness strategies, solving the girls’ own problems, searching for answers, fostering hobbies and interests and soothing and calming strategies. These methods are particularly helpful when facing challenging situations and in establishing self-esteem and building resilience,’ continued Deputy Head Ms Lindsay Cunningham.
Girls and staff extended their celebration of positivity into the community by placing special ‘smile stones’ in a variety of secret places locally with the aim of extending the concept of feeling positive beyond the school gates. These stones have been discovered across Portsmouth with engagement across social media and using the hashtag #positiveportsmouth.
‘Thanks for our smile stone. It’s beautiful, and gave us all a spring in our step this Monday morning,’ said GunwharfQuays on Twitter, after their discovery on Monday.
‘The week makes Portsmouth High School feel even more happy,’ said Kate Arthers, 10. ‘I like the way you can give out positive messages to others around you. The week is relaxing and makes you feel calm and that makes it easier to focus and work hard.’
Portsmouth High School is promoting positive, emotional and mental health in its pupils. The school is part of the Positive Project which was launched this academic year across a number of GDST schools.