Pupils at Streatham and Clapham High School celebrate A-Level results
Streatham and Clapham High School celebrated impressive A-Level examination results, with notable achievements and improvements this year.
There has been a commendable upward trend in performance, with the percentage of A*-B grades rising from 68 per cent in 2019 to an impressive 73 per cent this year. This increase underscores the collective effort of both students and teachers in enhancing academic outcomes. Out of the total student cohort, a significant 17 per cent of pupils secured outstanding A* and A grades, demonstrating their dedication and academic prowess.
A noteworthy 11 per cent of grades attained the highest accolade of A*, reflecting a subset of exceptional individual achievements. Furthermore, a substantial 36 per cent of grades were within the A*-A range, indicating a robust proportion of students achieving strong academic proficiency. A significant milestone was reached with 88 per cent of grades attaining A*-C, further demonstrating the widespread triumph of solid academic standards across the student body. Nearly half of pupils that studied for an EPQ gained A*-A grade.
Six subjects: Art, French, Italian, Music, PE and PRE achieved a perfect record of 100 per cent A*-B grades. This accomplishment underscores the outstanding teaching and learning environment within these subjects, resulting in consistently high levels of academic achievement. We are proud too of our ongoing success in STEAM subjects with over a third of pupils going on to study STEAM related subjects, including Biochemical Engineering at University College London, Maths and Statistics at the University of Newcastle and Biomedical Science at the University of Surrey. Physical Education (PE) stands out with an exceptional achievement, where a remarkable 100 per cent of students secured A*-A and 75 per cent A* grades, reflecting their dedication to excellence in this field.
Among them are Head Girl, Charlotte, who achieved three A*s and one A, who will attend the University of Cambridge to read Italian and Portuguese; Elizabeth, who achieved two A*s and one A, who will study Sports and Exercise Science at the University of Newcastle; Francesca, who achieved two A*s and one A, who will study Sports Science at the University of Newcastle; and Deputy Head, Nia, who achieved three As, who will study Information Technology Management for Business at University of Manchester.
Comment from Incoming Head, Ms Cathy Ellott: “I am thrilled with our students’ remarkable achievements in this year’s A-Level results. Despite the return of grades to the demanding pre-Covid standards of 2019, our pupils have demonstrated their exceptional dedication and perseverance following these years of unprecedented challenges for young people. We are so proud of all that they have achieved and are so excited to wish them well in the next stage of their academic journey.”
Overall, this year’s A-Level examination results showcase a remarkable blend of individual excellence, improved overall performance and exceptional subject-specific achievements, signifying the hard work and commitment of both students and staff.
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A GDST girls only Sixth Form offers the very best of independent learning, supercharged by our powerful network of schools and alumnae. Find out how other GDST girls from across our 25 all girls, independent schools have done in their A Levels 2023.