Putney High School celebrates A Level success
Putney High School is today celebrating with 62 per cent of all A Level entries achieving A* or A grades. Over a quarter of all entries were at A* grade, with 91 per cent at A*- B.
Five Putney students achieved all A* grades, including Erin Ailes, who will now read Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at St John’s College, Oxford, and Tasmin Sarkany, who will read Physics at Lincoln College, Oxford. Both achieved four A* grades, with Erin also earning an A* in the Extended Project Qualification.
Straight A* grades were also netted by England lacrosse player Lottie Durham, off to her namesake university, Durham, to read Biological Sciences; Kate Brown, who will be reading Geography at Durham and Emily Brougham, planning a post results application.
Other Putney students heading for Oxford are Bethany Reeves, who has earned a prestigious organ scholarship at Brasenose College; Lucy Jones, reading Law at St Catherine’s College and Dora Marshall, reading Biochemistry at Trinity College.
Three Putney students will be reading Medicine – Grace Rahmatallah, (Leeds); Katie Shea (Bristol) and Rayen Zinet (Newcastle).
Once again, universities in the States have also proved popular, with six Putney students accepted into US universities this year. Those heading across the Atlantic are off to universities including Haverford, San Diego and Elon, North Carolina.
With an A* and two A grades, Renata Passaris has a place on an Art Foundation course at the prestigious Central Saint Martins.
There were strong performances in subjects across the board – in both English and Mathematics, for example, almost two thirds of students achieved A* or A grades, whilst in Modern Foreign Languages, almost three quarters of entries were A* – A.
In Chinese Mandarin Pre-U, all candidates earned a D1 (higher than an A*).
100% A* or A grades were achieved in Classical Civilisation, Computing, Design Technology RM and Textiles, Music and Religious Studies. Indeed in RS, three quarter of entries were at A*.
Headmistress Mrs Suzie Longstaff said: “I am delighted that the hard work of our students and their teachers has resulted in yet again, outstanding results for so many and undergraduate places secured at their first choice institutions in the UK and the USA.”