World Kindness Day 2021

One of the silver linings of the tumultuous events of the past few years has been the realisation for many that we have to take care of each other. Simply existing for ourselves doesn’t work, there are those around us who need our kindness and we in turn need to be taken care of.

We have seen families become isolated, anxiety and stress levels increase and wellbeing suffer due to global events that often have a very personal, immediate impact on us. As society continues to learn and grow from these events, it’s often kindness that is making the difference. 

A simple act of kindness can not only affect someone’s day but have an impact on them that will last throughout their lives. We’re all in this life together, after all, and it’s only by taking care of each other can we flourish.

This is as essential in schooling as it is in the wider world. Kindness is an essential component of taking a young person and raising them to be a fully rounded individual, ready to take on the challenges that face them. That’s why World Kindness Day 2021 is a great moment to take stock, look at ourselves and those around us, and make a commitment to real kindness in our lives.


What is World Kindness Day 2021?

World Kindness Day 2021 will occur on 13th November and is a celebration of good deeds the world over.

The day was created to ensure that people have a specific moment to think about kindness, both in their lives and in the lives of others, and celebrate doing good deeds. Not for any reward, but for their own sake, making a difference in the lives of those around you. It’s a moment designed to spread compassion, kindness, and leading by example – qualities deeply embedded in the GDST.


How to take part in World Kindness Day 2021

Taking part in World Kindness Day 2021 is simple; be kind! 

It doesn’t matter how large or small the act is, just make time in your day on the 13th for others and perform an act of kindness. In addition, a large component of World Kindness Day is to encourage kindness in others. Congratulating others for being kind and setting a good example in kindness can help send out a tidal wave of kind acts with you at the centre. 

By making sure that we act in a kind manner and encourage those around us to be kind, we can make a real difference in the lives of people, both those we know and strangers. World Kindness Day hopes to create a unified, kinder world, one simple act at a time.

Follow us on social channels to see what the GDST does to promote kindness on November the 13th, and throughout the year.