A different sort of magic

As part of a festive-themed Adventures in Bookland, over 2000 Y4, 5 and 6 pupils from 18 schools across the GDST listened to author Cat Doyle discuss reworking A Christmas Carol.

GDST’s Gender Identity Policy

All our trans students are highly valued members of our school communities and we fully embrace their identities. Our schools…

Day of Dance 2021

150 girls from 21 schools across the GDST family came together for Day of Dance, held this year at BASE Studio in London’s Vauxhall.

GDST Christmas Card Competition

Junior pupils across our family of schools have been getting into the festive spirit by designing Christmas cards as part of a GDST-wide competition.

Update on the proposed GDST Flexible Pension Plan

The GDST has begun consultation with our teachers and their recognised trade union, the NEU, across our 23 independent schools on proposed changes to teachers’ pensions.

GDST juniors created 'pledge hogs' to mark their commitment to climate action during COP26

GDST designing the future

When it comes to the environment, it is the energy of young people that will drive us forward, writes the GDST’s Chief Executive.

How the GDST promotes kindness

Tomorrow, 13 November, is World Kindness Day; a moment designed to spread compassion, generosity and leading by example. At the…

Eco-awareness in Education: GDST and UN Climate Change COP26

With the UN Climate Change COP26 starting this week, we address the issues of eco awareness and eco anxiety, and…

World Kindness Day 2021

Our teachers and professionals discuss the importance of World Kindness Day 2021. GDST values the importance of kindness and wellbeing for girls’ education. Find out more today.

A family of schools

23 independent schools and two academies in England and Wales